Chapters Transcript Video Primary care physician Zainab Saadi, MD It's very interesting and not common knowledge that mild hearing loss is associated with the triple risk of falls and hearing hearing is decreased by 10 decibels. For each 10 decibels fall, risk increases by 140%. I'm Dr Zainab Sadi, I'm an internal medicine physician at UC Health and I practice as the primary care department at G uh seniors can prevent trips and falls by uh getting their hearing and vision checked, making sure that's as healthy as possible and correct it as much as possible. Uh and also staying moving, stay moving as much as they can to keep their joints healthy to keep the muscles as strong as possible, it would prevent falls. And also if something were to happen to help them do their best to heal and also making sure the medical conditions are well managed with a lot of medical conditions like diabetes, heart, uh heart conditions, thyroid conditions progress to risk of falls. And so once the medical condition is managed and taken care of, we can prevent those falls. Let's do it. Some of the things common in the home that can increase risk of falls and that can be adjusted to prevent falls or, uh, if there's clutter or things loose on the ground. If there's boxes, if there's a pillow, um, there's a rolled up rug, you need to put away by having not a chance to put away from lighting. The lighting is not best, for example, in a room you may think. Oh, it's ok. If it's a little dark I can still see, but if the lighting is not the best, it could be that might increase our chances of s something at a hall hazard that is there. So lighting for lighting increases risk of falls. Um and also the support is not there. So the recommendation would be to really increase but chairs are more common places. So if someone be a little wobbly, they can hold on to it and sit down quickly or uh we know the grap bars by the stairs or getting into the showers or tools that can be easily implemented in and incorporated in our every day in our lifestyle to help us and prevent falls and be as healthy as possible. I hope seniors legal with the takeaways. One that is important to stay, stay moving as much as you can, whether it's with friends or family to get your hearing checked. It's very uh easy to do and can significantly decrease risk of falls from 30 to 100 and 40%. Uh And then four I want you to feel empowered I want you to feel empowered that there's so much you can do there and there's so much resources around us that you can tap into to help you be healthy, to help you, your family, your living environment, to be as healthy as possible. So, we're all in it together. We're all on the same team. Created by Related Presenters Zainab Saadi, MD Internal Medicine View full profile